Howdy, building on this thread , I want to use a 24 LED ring to display the value of power imported/exported to the grid.
I have this value as a sensor (via emoncms), either +ve or -ve depending on the direction of power flow.
Ideally, I’d like to use LEDs 1-12 in red to show import from grid, and 24-13 in green to show export to grid.
Reading the docs for ESPHome, I’m just getting myself confused, but stepping out what I need to do:
Getting the value into ESPHome is step 1, and it seems like I can either read the sensor value using ESPHome, or push it from HA.
I then need to use ESPHome to determine if value is +/-, and use light.addressable_set
to … well, set the LEDs.
Has anyone done similar and have code I can work from? Am still reading the docs and testing, but thought I’d post here whilst I do the same just in case someone’s already done it!
(Nick Rout)
September 13, 2020, 2:31am
The first piece, getting the data from HA is covered here I think
Cheers, am using API and calling services from HA to push values to ESPHome, managed to get it working using an input_number to test values of 0-24:
name: led_power_ring
platform: ESP8266
board: d1_mini
ssid: "Pretty fly for a Wifi"
password: "REDACTED"
password: "REDACTED"
- service: led_power_ring_update
led_power_ring_level: int
- light.addressable_set:
id: led_power_ring
range_from: 0
range_to: !lambda 'return led_power_ring_level;'
red: 100%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
- light.addressable_set:
id: led_power_ring
range_from: !lambda 'return led_power_ring_level;'
range_to: 24
red: 0%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
password: "REDACTED"
- platform: fastled_clockless
chipset: WS2812B
pin: GPIO4
num_leds: 24
rgb_order: GRB
name: "led_power_ring"
id: led_power_ring
Automations.yaml (although created using the GUI)
- id: '1599970552549'
alias: led_power_ring_update
description: ''
- entity_id: input_number.led_power_ring_value
platform: state
condition: []
- data_template:
led_power_ring_level: '{{states.input_number.led_power_ring_value.state | int
service: esphome.led_power_ring_led_power_ring_update
mode: single
Next step is to use the real values of (0-4800ish) to populate the LEDs.
To marmalade that value into the service call will requires some maths. Initially I’m thinking x/200 to make the min/max values of ±4800 fit…
(Nick Rout)
September 13, 2020, 5:28am
That gives 0-24 - although I think according to the docs the lights are called 0 - 23 with 24 leds.
Whoops, you’re right - although it seems to currently work fine with 0-24 on the input_number, so will see what it does once I can get it to update based off the grid sensor.
Interesting, it seems to happily accept negative numbers (and goes counterclockwise fine)
However… positive numbers seem to +1 everything.
I’m not sure whether there’s a discrepancy between how the FastLED is setup (num_leds = 24) and how light.addressable_set wants to start at 0.
password: ""
- service: led_power_ring_update
led_power_ring_level: int
- if:
lambda: 'return led_power_ring_level < 0;'
then: #red for negative
- light.addressable_set:
id: led_power_ring
red: 0%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
- light.addressable_set:
id: led_power_ring
range_from: !lambda 'return led_power_ring_level;'
range_to: 24
red: 100%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
else: #green for positive
- light.addressable_set:
id: led_power_ring
red: 0%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
- light.addressable_set:
id: led_power_ring
range_from: 0
range_to: !lambda 'return led_power_ring_level;'
red: 0%
green: 100%
blue: 0%
dropping in a -1 for lighting the green LEDs seems to fix it though.
- light.addressable_set:
id: led_power_ring
range_from: 0
range_to: !lambda 'return led_power_ring_level - 1;'
red: 0%
green: 100%
blue: 0%
Got me stumped whether it’s something in my ham-fisted attempt at getting it to work, or is there actually a bug.
Moving on (stream-of-consciousness style) the next step is converting the -4800 <> +4800 value from emoncms_main into -24 <> +24.
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ '%0.0f' | format(states('sensor.emoncms_main') | int /200 | int) }}"
friendly_name: led_power_ring_testvalue
… and in doing so, realised that the emoncms_main is actually positive for import from grid and negative for export, so my red/green above is flipped