I recently ran into an issue where I was trying to use templating to set a weekday condition for a blueprint.
Apparently it’s not possible to do this, so i’ve created this template condition that allows for a user to add the weekdays in short form to a text field and checks if this input matches the current day.
For completeness, I’ve also added start and stop times as conditions.
Feel free to copy and past this code into your blueprints in order to add some flexibility for other users.
Instead of a single Text Selector, containing abbreviated day names, each day is a separate Boolean Selector. The user simply enables the desired days.
I’ve thought of doing it that way first.
The reason for the choosing the textfield is purely based on the experience in the UI.
A textfield is one field, while the booleans take up a lot of screen real estate.
I’ve not tried it yet, but I’m aware of it.
I might give that a go in a later version, but for now I just wanted to add the options to a blueprint and not deal with another add-on.