User ID instead of login showing on v2021.7.1 trusted networks login?

Pre-v2021.7.x when I would go to trusted networks and select the user I wanted to use to log in, the box would be filled in with the user’s login name.

Now, after upgrading to v2021.7.1 when selecting the user the box gets filled in with the User ID (that long series of random letters and numbers). Is anyone else seeing this or did I mess something up on my end?

Is there really no on else seeing this behavior?

No, it’s not just on your end. I noticed it too.
Luckily the login process works just fine.

Ok, thank you very much! I was about ready to spin up a fresh VM just to figure out if I was going crazy or not haha

I do, but everything is working normal. so its ok for me.