User name and Password

I just installed Python onto Windows and opened HA via CMD, however, I have on User or Password, is there a default? or am I missing something?

If new installation, you create them yourself.

When I log in through CMD it just asks for the user and password, never got the opportunity to create one.

You don’t login through CMD.

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So Sorry I am so new to this.

I used this command C:…> py -m homeassistant --open-ui in CMD as per windows instalation instructions

Is there a link to how to log in to a windows installation ( Non-Paspberry Pi)

You don’t login through a terminal or app. You open a browser to the IP:port of the system.

I used the following as a guide.

and command lines in CMD.

When I put in 2nd line “hass --open-ui”

web page opened and displayed the following.


I never set a username or password.

Appreciate any assistance

That’s the first step that happens when you see the webpage though.

Windows is a very poorly supported (not officially supported actually) server to run home assistant on. I suggest you use Linux or Virtual box and run home assistant properly

OK thanks, I will do some searches on virtual box to see If I can get it working