User-script to easier the process to find DPs for devices on LocalTuya

After having a hard time looking for DPs for my devices when using the LocalTuya integration, I created a user script that smooths the process. I always used this step-by-step provided in the documentation of Zigbee2MQTT when I needed to find DPs, so I just simplified the process in a more automated way.

The script is this: Data Point (DP) list extractor for Tuya IoT platform. To install it on your browser you need a user-script extension like Tampermonkey. I only tested on my machine so far, so it might have issues.

To use it, you have to go to the Tuya IoT platform, open the debug page for any device and a list of DPs will be shown as you select a device. The script simulates clicks on the page, so there is a little flickering here and there, but it does the job.