TL:DR: Anyone know how to get voice with wake words on running on a desktop, not ESP or rPi?
I have acquired a touchscreen desktop that a client no longer needs. A new HDD and an installation of Manjaro has it running well. I’ve used the WebApp program to get a kiosk instance of HA on a desktop.
My goal is to have it act as a voice assistant that can respond to wake words. Has anyone achieved this with a desktop or are they all ESP32s or rPis? I’d love for this to be a thing. I have too many old laptop & desktop computers hanging around. A 7" HDMI touchscreen is just so price friendly that it would be a shame to not make use of them in that manner with a microphone and speaker.
Thank you for that link. I tried it and it doesn’t have wake word support like the ESPs. I couldn’t even actually get it to work with just typing. I’ll put a bug report in, but it doesn’t seem to be working.