I want to use tamper detection as a trigger (ie vibration) from my Aeotec Multisensor 7. However the only thing that seems to happen when it senses vibration is a notification appears in the logbook for the device as below
Looking at trigger possibilities for that I find the following in the visual automation editor
Is this the right way to add the trigger and if so what exactly goes in what fields? I read the whole of the Trigger documentation and it doesn’t cover this sort of trigger.
The options that are available in a Device trigger are controlled by the device’s integration. This was meant to make it easier for newer users. However, they are a black box and the documentation will likely never be able to cover the tens of thousands of permutations that are possible.
The non-Device option is to use the Event tool to listen for the event that is posted when the device is “tampered with”. Once you have that you can use an Event trigger based on the information you have gathered.