I use an ispindel device to report various home brewing parameters to HA using MQTT. I currently have automations in place to turn a fridge and heater on and off depending on the sensor values reported.
If I want a target temp of ~18deg, I set the fridge to come on at 18.2 and off at 17.8… pretty basic stuff.
If I want to change this temperature, I currently have to edit the various automations to change these hard coded values.
I would like to implement a new variable using a slider (target_temp) and build this into the automations so they are dynamic and data driven.
One of the current automations looks like this:
- id: '1645475728120'
alias: MQTT Brew Fridge on
description: ''
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.ispindle_temp
above: '18'
condition: []
- type: turn_on
device_id: 96777ee75e042a4db19379491af935ea
entity_id: switch.1280058070039f10b8b1
domain: switch
mode: single
How do I amend the 'above: 18'
to be target_temp + 0.2
I don’t think I can use a value template directly here?
Do I need to create another dynamic variable set for the actual values I want to switch on and then use these in the automation? Rather than doing the simple maths in the automation itself?