Using Anker Solix Solarbank E1600 in HA

No, it’s impossible, I have a fix ip. Why it’s happens with the add-on ?

Did somebody solve that problem by now?

I don’t know how to solve the Problem in the add on. And I don’t see it in my integration that is based on the python API. I have the integration now working also with shared accounts and API updates can be disabled via a switch to allow using the same Account for temporary time in the App.
I hope to have it ready for Hacs within the next 2 weeks. Actually I’m struggling to interpret the charging power correctly. Looks like the SB total has different meaning than SB value. SB charge seems to show output power Actually?
And SB total charge only shows value for charge, but 0 for discharge.
Can you confirm this?
Seems only solar and output values are correct for each, so I’m thinking to calculate the charge into positive and negative values from the ones that are reliable.
Having negative discharge power is also easier to consume in HA without templates…


And now. There are login limits. And it looks like the addon logs several times in and so the limit is reached…

Same here. I can relogin in about 15 hours.

Hi there
Not sure if you resolved your problems with the Add On.
I just want to let you know, that I finished the work for the first HA integration based on the python Api I released few weeks ago.
I announced it already in the feature request post.

This may be a much smoother and more user friendly way to integrated Anker Solix devices into HA, without the need for an Add on container or MQTT overhead that requires manual sensor creation if no auto discovery topics are used.
The library supports latest structures of the Api, including use of shared accounts, multiple systems per account or multiple devices per system.
However, since I only own a single Solarbank as only Anker device, I cannot really test other constellations.
I hope this will work anyway for most of the systems constellations that are used as of now.


You are a genius - I just installed your HACS add-on and it works like a charm!
Thank you so much for your efforts! :smiley:

tholu! you did it. a genius work with the integration
works like a charm, using the shared account.

dreaming of a version where I can modify the limits (charging vs. output) or modify schedules…

i am super happy!

The integration is awesome!

But i’m kinda overwhelmed with all the Info and different cases the Anker solarbank seems to have. I tried to add it into my energy dashboard, but i’m not sure the output makes sense, with how it internally switches between the differnet modes.

With 1.6.7, I can’t use a share account, I get this error:

ANKER API ERROR: (10000) Failed to request.
Response Text: {“code”:10000,“msg”:“Failed to request.”,“trace_id”:“52c2fbca915c4055042a418c44xxxxxx”}
<class ‘api.errors.RequestError’>: (10000) Failed to request.
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped

Only primary account works. How to fix it ?

Move to the Integration, this works with shared accounts

Yes perfect, it works with my 2 solarbank and a shared account.
Thanks for this intégration

@tholu can you summarize today’s statut of your awesome project.

I installed HACS Anker Solix Addon and I can now have the overview of all Data avaliable in Anker App on my solarbank and MI90 inverter.

In an other side I can follow my real time energy consumption and also my solar injection with an amperemetrique clamp like openDTU solution.

In another way, I read your project for zero grid injection posted in november 23. I would like to you know if solix2mqtt is still necessary to replicate your DIY solution ?

Correct me if I’m wrong, i understand that you don’t manage in HA the discharging schedule you setup in Anker App and you use another app to manage your MI90 inverter to send the appropriate power in your home in real time.

should be really helpful to have this update since the lastest API achievement.


If you read my project from Nov carefully, you can read that solix2mqtt was NEVER required. I did that with Hoymiles inverter, open DTU and a ESP device for grid meter reading. Important is only to limit the inverter only when Solarbank is discharging, therefore automation was triggered only when sun was down.
Regarding the new integration, you can see the sensors in the INFO Screenshots.
Also once it will be able to set home load power, Solarbank is far to slow for quick reaction on grid power changes.

Ok nice, I well understood.
You use the Hoymiles EZ1 to regulate the home power sent between 0 and 300w (in your example).
I will try to setup that

Hello, i have a question:
I already have a solarefge system thats integrated in hassio and a smartmeter.
Can i use this battery and mi80 as a standalone?
Real question: will it charge without solar connected straight to the battery and can i regulate the output from 0-800w realtime?

Easy answer, you cannot regulate Solarbank output power realtime. It reacts too slow until the given output is reached, and it is also fluctuating around that level.
Furthermore the output level is ignored, if the charge to the battery is limited by any condition but more solar power comes in (e.g. cold temp, low soc, full soc etc).

Only discharging can be automated in real time, but only via an attached inverter that you can limit in realtime.

Limiting the inverter while solarbank is charging I do not recommend, since that may affect the solarbank MPPT trackers and reduce the possible solar yield.

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I used the “Anker Solix Integration for Home Assistant” Thom provided and it works great!
Is anyone able to show me how I can add the data so that it will be able to display in the energy dashboard? So fare I tried to use a helper to convert the wattage to kwh but i still can`t add it. It would be great if someone could show how they have done it

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I have configured in the AKER App 2 Anker systems (one for me, one for my parents) and want to integrate booth in HA. With installing the add on only one system (one solarbank is shown) the 2nd system is not shown. In the MQTT Explorer only one Solarbank_e1600 will come up. What can I do to have also the 2nd system in HA?
Thanks and Thomas - Really nice work !

Even if the device MI80 and the EZ1M is the same, on what I am looking for the MI80 is not able to be drive in realtime with an API.
Anker firmware is different than the Apsystem with the EZ1M