Using Aqara temp and humidity sensor

Is it possible to use the Aqara temp and humidity sensor. Maybe I’m missing the integration?

I can see loads of other Aqara device integrations just not the temp sensor :slightly_smiling_face:

If not, if anyone has any other good alternatives with integrations let me know.

Model of Sensor? ZigBee?

You need a zigbee coordinator (usb stick or other) to receive the zigbee signals. Then use ZHA or Zigbee2mqtt.

Aqara temp and humidity sensor

Ah cool. Cheers will have a look into that. I had misunderstood and thought the zigbee protocol was WiFi style protocol using the WiFi transmitter in the pi :+1:

I use Aqara-M2 controller for my Aqara/Xiaomi devices, have 8 of those Temp/humid Sensors, you refers to …The Aqara-M2 Covers 3 floors, in 100sqm floor plans each, not had any problems with reliability or connections

Good Quality zigbee dongles:

Join the waiting list after you have picked one. The queue isn’t usually very long.

Amazon has the rather cheap Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 dongle, it works fine for me both ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT

Works well with the ConBee II, no issues since installed 16 months ago.

FYI, the ConBee II is actually cheaper today than what I paid 16 months ago on AMZN.

I use Samsung Smarthings, there’s many IDE Controllers on GitHub…
Although, I’ve been using it for many years, I’m now moving over to ESP Home :slight_smile:

Does anyone know if I really need the Aqara hub for this:

No. It will work with any coordinator that supports ZHA or Zigbee2mqtt, see: Aqara Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor WSDCGQ11LM Zigbee compatibility