Using Asustor NAS as a storage location for backup files

I am running HA Core 2024.11.3, OS 13.2, on a Raspberry Pi 4. Presently I boot and run off a 256 Gb SSD, which is also the default location for storing configuration backups. I have recently added an Asustor NAS to my home network and would like to add it as the primary location for backup storage, in case my SSD dies.

I am able to see the NAS from my Windows PC, and have configured a backup file location. I have added a user named “*****HA” (username redacted) with R/W access to the backup file. I can ping the NAS device using its IP address from HA Terminal window. I have configured SMB as the preferred method for remote file access, and I thought I had entered all the required info in the HA form to add remote location. However, no matter what I try, I always get some kind of error regarding inability to mount a filesystem or drive. I don’t really understand what is going wrong here, but my suspicion is that perhaps my Pi Linux install is missing some critical component, or some needed additional configuration. Any help possible would be greatly appreciated.

Solved! If I put the shared backup destination folder at the top level of the file tree in the NAS, I can set this as the backup location for HA using SMB protocol and the same username/pw as I had previously created on the NAS.