Using CATT

Hi !

Using CATT, it is possible to reload the page without have DashCast screen ?

Nothing to do with the dark theme. This has all to do with the auth_providers ::

I’ve been looking a while because i read the comment on the dark theme.
Below what I have added to my configuration.
After this you can choose a user when connecting to the hub and it will work fine afterwards.

    - type: trusted_networks
        - ::1
      allow_bypass_login: true
    - type: homeassistant
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Please post your code properly.

Hello All,
Can someone please help me with installing and using Catt to display on my nest hub.
My terminal config is:

username: xxxx
password: xxxxx
authorized_keys: []
sftp: false
compatibility_mode: false
allow_agent_forwarding: false
allow_remote_port_forwarding: false
allow_tcp_forwarding: false
zsh: true
share_sessions: false
packages: []

  • python3 -m pip install catt’

Then I tired to use the service:

addon: a0d7b954_ssh
input: >-
catt -d “kitchen display” cast_site

nothing happens. I see in the logs:
INFO: Received external command to execute:
[18:23:27] INFO: > catt -d “kitchen display” cast_site

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_ \ / _ \ / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __/ _ | ’
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| | | | () | | | | | | / / ____ \ _ \ __ \ || (| | | | | |
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/|| || ||___| // __//|/__,|| ||__|
Our command line:
$ ha help
Error: Specified device “kitchen display” not found.
[18:23:36] ERROR: Command exited with a failure status.

Nothing happens on google nest hub. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Try quoting your post properly please.

Maybe kitchen display is not the proper device name. Try catt scan and see what you get. It is case sensitive.

I apologize. I haven’t post in a while and forget how to post the codes. Can you please post an example with catt scan?


catt scan

Then press enter

Thanks. I got it working. I followed this blog post:

I have CATT working on my Google Nest Hub but after some time the build in Photo Gallery takes over and displays randpm photos. So I need to start casting again everytime.
Is there a setting in the Hub or a parameter I need to add to my shell_command to make the HA Cast persistent?

You have to recast every 10 minutes see Using CATT and also the post I link in there.

As far as I know, there is no setting on the HUB to disbable this.

Is there anyway to clear cache of the nest hub?

I updated, and some of my cards aren’t appearing properly when CATT lovelace to my nest hub. The same happened on my phone/computer, but a cache clear on my browsers fixed it. So I’m assuming I need to do similar to the web UI of the nest hub, but googling for an answer got me nothing, so I’m asking here in hope someone has experienced the same.

Hello everyone.
I’m so close to be able to use it but im stuct in how to set automations from home assistant…to be able to use confortably…
I have home assistant (old hassio) on a raspi.
I have intalled the addon “terminal & SSH” with the following config:
authorized_keys: []
password: XXXX
tcp_forwarding: false
share_sessions: false
- python3 -m pip install catt

I installed CATT using the terminal as mentioned here:
apk add --no-cache python3
apk add --update py-pip
python3 -m pip install catt

If i type in the terminal the followihg it wolrks perfectly in my google hub:
catt -d "Hub one" cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1

In configuration.yalm i set a shell_command:
cast: catt -d "Hub one" cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1
I set an script to call the shell and It does not work, it shows error:
Error running command: catt -d “Hub one” cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1, return code: 127

I tried to set an automation but it does work neither… This is the action part.

- data:
addon: core_ssh
input: catt -d "Hub one" cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1
service: hassio.addon_stdin

I put addon: core_ssh because when i am in my addon the brosher shows this name. (I also tried addon: a0d7b954_ssh and no luck).
Any idea please. ???
Thank you very much to everyone

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Give the full path to the catt command.

Are you using this SSH addon?

If not, you need to use that one, you mention “terminal & SSH”, if that is a different one, it won’t work. I don’t have Hassio anymore so I cant check.

Hey thanks for the reply but no luck…:frowning: any idea??
I looked where catt is intalled: In terminal -> which catt -> /urs/bin/catt
I’ve done several shell_commands:
cast_01: usr/bin/catt -d "“Hub one” cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1
cast_02: bash/usr/bin/catt -d "“Hub one” cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1
In all of them when i call the service the same error than before:
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/shell_command/ (ERROR) Error running command:the command written in the shell_comand, return code: 127, NoneType: None

I do not control at all with linux …
What is strange is that with the addo “Terminal & SSH” i type catt -d "“Hub one” cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1 and works perfectly…
I dont know what happen.
Any idea.??
Thank you a lot!!!

Did you change the addon to the one I mentioned? If you are still using “Terminal & SSH” IT WILL NOT WORK.

You need to use this one

The problem you have is that Terminal&SSH installs CATT in its own container, so the rest of HASSIO can not use it.

Hey John thanks. Sorry before i didn’t see your message.
I havent changed to the addon you say because i have the poblem (too) of vaving an old hassio version (0,92) so now the addon wich requiere “advanced config” i cant see them. I tried to add manually the addon repository and nothing… i willl have to reintall HA to an updated ha version and install the addon yo say.

Whith “Terminal & SSH” isn¡t anything to do to be able to make catt work???
The wierd thing white the “Terminal & SSH” is that i can not do automation neither…they do ot work. For example with this;

- data:
addon: core_ssh
input: catt -d "Hub one" cast_site http://my_rasp_IP:port/lovelace/1
service: hassio.addon_stdin

I put addon: core_ssh because when i am in my addon the brosher shows this name. (I also tried addon: a0d7b954_ssh and no luck).
Any idea please. ?
Thank you very much

Hassio can not see the CATT command in the addon. The “Terminal&SSH” addon creates a container. So when you are using the terminal, you are actually in that container.

But Hassio itself can not look in that container so will never find CATT. For Hassio it will be as if CATT is installed on a different computer.

The addon that I linked actually gives you access to Hassio itself.

Hey John thanks a lot. anderstood the other addon the only one makes catt working. I will try to reintall HA … thanks