Using CATT

python3 is removed every time the ssh addon restarts. I am unable to use init_commands at all and I am wondering if it got renamed to something else.

This is my current config. None of the commands execute automatically aside from server params.

  - apk add build-base
  - apk add py3-wheel
  - apk add py3-pip
  - python3 -m pip install catt
  tcp_forwarding: false
  allow_agent_forwarding: false
  allow_remote_port_forwarding: false
  allow_tcp_forwarding: false

I want to add that I am on a Raspberry Pi.

What happens if when you run these commands after loading terminal ? I am assuming you have a Github account.

Also, there are 2 SSH add-ons. Make sure you use the SSH & Web Terminal not the Terminal & SSH add-on.

Try these commands in the terminal window
python3 -m pip install catt
catt scan

I found this in the documentation for SSH & Web Terminal:

Option: init_commands

Customize your shell environment even more with the init_commands option. Add one or more shell commands to the list, and they will be executed every single time this add-on starts.

So the Init command re-installs a fresh copy of CATT each time you restart HA.

Alright, thanks, I ended up giving up on CATT after figuring out the 30 second bug. Hopefully it gets fixed at some point.

I think the regular HA Cast integration allows constant connection. I have heard the transitions between pages is quite awkward and some cards do not work. CATT worked very well, all of my cards worked but unfortunately it has been updated to death.

I have 2 hubs and only one a V1 has the 30 second issue so far. I had though there was a work around for this so it might be worth posing the question again as I did in post number 495. Which version do you have ?

I have the V1 and got the 30 seconds bug…

Do we have a work around for the 30 second bug ?

I have it working now with a Reverse proxy. That works well. So no i’'m looking for a good automation when to cast Home assistant and when stop casting so Hass is not always on the screen.


I’m new with CATT and have some problems with casting my internal url.
I have HASS on a Proxmox server and use DuckDNS with Let’s encrypt certificates.
Now I’m able to cast a webpage to my Nest hub, also cast my external home assistant url but not the internal one. And I think it is because of the certificates.

When I cast my duckdns adress I get my Home Assistant login page but i’m not able to login because duckdns is not on my trustted networks and I’m not able to use a keyboard on the Nest Hub for entering my password.
So, when I cast my internal url: https://:8123/lovelace/Hompage
I see the “DashCast” text on my Nest Hub and on the bottom of the screen stays: “Force loading: https://:8123/Lovelace/Homepage” and nothing happens after that.
How can I acces my Internal URL without https?
Hopefully there is someone who also use duckdns and CATT here.

I am using DuckDNS, but not in the typical fashion. I access the hubs locally using plain http://. I really only use DuckDNS to update my WAN-IP. Neither Dashcast or the hubs seem to complain about it. Hmmm did I just jinx it ?


I’m trying to set up the commandline switch. I have add the content of the public key to the config of the addon. The Addon starts whitout any erros.
Then I try the following comand in the Terminal web UI:

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/SSH/ **Myusername*@"*HASS IPADRESS*" catt -d 'NestHub' cast_site http://ha-url/lovelace-tablet/homepage

Then i get the following error:

Permission denied (public key)

The keys are stored in config/SSH.
How can I make sure I have the right username and right permissions?

You’re referring to the public key ( The content of the public key needs to be in the addon config.
Use the rsa-key called something like id_rsa in your ssh-folder as reference to login with. (/config/SSH/id_rsa)

Thank you for the quick response. I’ve have changed the name of the private key file to “id_rsa’” but still get the same error. In the logging of the terminal addon i see "Invalid user DennisB from ipadress port 58614
Can that be the problem?

But you’re also calling that same file in your ssh command? (after -i) Because there you were referring to the .pub key and not the private key in your command.

Yes I changed the command and reffer to /config/SSH/id_rsa. But get the same error. Sorry for not noticing that. The username should be the username in the Add on Config right?
This is the command I use:

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/SSH/id_rsa DennisB@(IP-ADRES) catt -d 'NestHub' cast_site http://IPADRES/lovelace-tablet/homepage

After this \i get the Permission denied error:
Here you see the public and private key are in the SSH folder.
Schermafbeelding 2022-01-08 om 08.16.34

Hmm the user could be root. Could you give that a try?
edit: I mean could you do the login command with user root.

Hi Lesley,

Thank you very much for the response. This was also not working so I decided to start over. I deleted the keys generate them again, past the pub key in the addon en try the command again and for some reason now it works. Thank you very much.
Time to make the automation.

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Hello everyone, CATT has me very excited. Got it installed, but find that I keep getting an error.

Any thoughts on what might be going on?


I was able to install catt v0.11.3, my prior attempt to install without it being a specific version was failing with a very long error.

Ask on the catt githun.

HI all,

Probably I missed a thing, but I’m finally able to cast to my google hub, but I always get stucked on the login screen.

  • I have multiple users in my HA enabled
  • I’m not able to cast to the name of my hub, only to the IP (I checked name) using the scan

This is my configuration.yaml section:

under the homeassistant: part

- type: homeassistant
- type: trusted_networks
allow_bypass_login: true

Can anyone help ? Should I use the ssh rsa key ? How to obtain that one ?

Thanks in advance !

