Using CC1101 CLU with Homeatic OCCU [Done]

Hello there!

Hope I’m right here :wink:

I have a CC1101-USB-Lite 868MHz CLU from Busware (This). The sticks works fine, the indicator LED and an lsusb shows me that.

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 03eb:204b
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:2514
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:2514
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 090c:1000
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0424:7800

It is number device 4.

But Homeatic get wired responses from it (“2018/09/17 16:20:51.878 CCU2SerialFrame::addFrameData(): Corrupt data detected. Frame start character unexpected”). This is the complete Homeatic OCCU log while starting:

2018/09/17 16:20:46.367 <Info> BidCoS-Service started
2018/09/17 16:20:46.368 <Info> XmlRpc Server is listening on TCP port 2001 
2018/09/17 16:20:46.372 <Debug> CCU2CommController::init() - Legacy initialization.
2018/09/17 16:20:51.374 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorApp(): Trying to start coprocessor application 
2018/09/17 16:20:51.874 CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Send start command 
2018/09/17 16:20:51.874 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() 2018/09/17 16:20:51.875 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 03 00 00 03 18 0a 
2018/09/17 16:20:51.878 RX SERIAL: 3f 20 28 fd 20 69 73 20 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 29 20 55 73 65 20 6f 6e 65 20 6f 66 20 42 20 43 20 46 20 69 20 41 20 5a 20 45 20 47 20 4d 20 4b 20 52 20 54 20 56 20 57 20 58 20 65 20 66 20 6d 20 6c 20 74 20 75 20 78 0d 0a 
2018/09/17 16:20:51.878 CCU2SerialFrame::addFrameData(): Corrupt data detected. Frame start character unexpected
2018/09/17 16:20:52.875 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response. 
2018/09/17 16:20:54.875 CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Retrying to send start command 
2018/09/17 16:20:54.875 CCU2CommController::startCoprocessorAppThreadFunction(): Send start command 
2018/09/17 16:20:54.875 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() 
2018/09/17 16:20:54.875 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 03 00 01 03 9e 09 
2018/09/17 16:20:55.876 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response. 
2018/09/17 16:20:56.375 <Fatal error> CCU2CommController::init(): Init failed. Cannot start coprocessor application. 
2018/09/17 16:20:56.375 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() 2018/09/17 16:20:56.375 CCU2CommController::SendSystemCommdand() sending: fd 00 04 00 02 0a 00 3d 10 
2018/09/17 16:20:56.378 RX SERIAL: 3f 20 28 fd 20 69 73 20 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 29 20 55 73 65 20 6f 6e 65 20 6f 66 20 42 20 43 20 46 20 69 20 41 20 5a 20 45 20 47 20 4d 20 4b 20 52 20 54 20 56 20 57 20 58 20 65 20 66 20 6d 20 
2018/09/17 16:20:56.378 CCU2SerialFrame::addFrameData(): Corrupt data detected. Frame start character unexpected. 2018/09/17 16:20:56.378 RX SERIAL: 6c 20 74 20 75 20 78 0d 0a 
2018/09/17 16:20:57.376 <Debug> () CCU2CommController::waitForCoProcessorResponse(): Timeout while waiting for response. 
2018/09/17 16:20:57.376 <Error> () CCU2CommController::setCSMACAEnabled(): Error disabling CSMA/CA. 2018/09/17 16:20:57.378 <Error> No BidCoS-Interface available 
2018/09/17 16:20:57.378 <Warning> Error initializing interfaces

This happens on an Raspi 2 and 3 if I using Create an enviroment on an normal rasbian like I had till Friday :wink: I have no problems to controll the climates.

So, i hope someone has an idea to fix that.

Best regards

Edit: So I found a workaround: Buy the recommended device :wink: