Has anyone else discovered this yet? I just wrote a very complex 2000+ line ESPHome application for prototyping a commercial product with a dozen sensors, ADC chips, TOF sensors, a ili9341 display, 7 motors & 12 SSD relays & multiple PID controllers. This normally would have taken me months as I’m not a professional programmer. I did it in a week.
This is very different than ChatGPT or other online coding resources because it’s written using the VSCODE base (which most of us already use and know) and the logic and functionality is embedded in the editor. So it is context aware of everything in your program as you type, meaning it sits along side you predicting what you will do next. Pressing TAB and the predicted code appears. It’s quite shocking just how well this 1 feature works.
90%+ of it was written by Cursor using the AI function. You type “Create an ESPHome project using 5 switches to control motors with SSD relays”. Boom, ALL of the ESPHome code is formatted and written for you.
“Write a PID controller to control motor_1 with on time limits of 30s, minimum on time of 5s and off time limits of 50s”. Magically 50 lines of PID controller code appears and controls the motor.
“Create a display using component ili9341 with display type “TFT 4R”. Create animations of each motor. White when off, slow, animated green when on. Start drawing at x=5 and y=5.”
Boom. Code written. Tell it to move groups of objects around. Tedious & complex LVGL display coding just became trivial.
Now Modify some ESP32 PIN numbers to suit.
Compile and upload. 98%+ of the time it compiles without errors.
I’m literally blown away. This is a game changer. It’s free to try and then you become addicted. I paid the $200 annual fee. The TAB function is quite amazing and worth the $200 alone. Never before have I been so impressed with a piece of “intelligent” software.
I am in no way affiliated with Cursor. Watch the Lex Friedman interview with the Cursor team for a deep dive. Fascinating! There are lots of YouTube videos to help get you going.