Using "effect" like a preset?

I currently have an on boot setting which turns some of my lights on to a brightness and RGB colour value as per:

    priority: 30
      - light.turn_on:
          id: ledstrip06
          brightness: 100%
          red: 100%
          green: 50%
          blue: 1%

Now we have the “esp8266_restore_from_flash” setting which restores any previous settings at boot i’d like to stop using the above boot values and switch to moving some of the light effects for each bulb. The thing is though I can’t find an effect which is simply just on at a brightness/colour value as an effect.

Something like this would be cool:

  - platform: ...
    # ...
      - preset:
          name: My Warm White Preset
            - state: True
              brightness: 100%
              red: 100%
              green: 50%
              blue: 1%

is this possible ?

Thanks in advance!

btw - It’s a brilliant firmware - just updated to 1.12.1 across 20+ devices around my home in about 10 mins!

UPDATE: I found a work around which works but guess a preset feature would be cleaner…

  - strobe:
      name: My Warm White
        - state: True
          brightness: 100%
          red: 100%
          green: 57%
          blue: 14%
          white: 50%
          duration: 2s
        - state: True
          brightness: 100%
          red: 100%
          green: 57%
          blue: 14%
          white: 50%
          duration: 2s
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I agree with you