Using fold-entity-row with a light group

Hello, I’m having trouble getting the fold-entity-row working with a light group. In particular I’m trying to avoid typing out the entity list again (I have many groups with many light members). In the docs it says:

Setting head: to a group will populate the entities list with the entities of that group.

However, this results in a ‘No entities specified’ error.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

My Lovelace config looks like so:

      - entities:
          - head: light.living_room_lights
            type: 'custom:fold-entity-row'
          - head: light.dining_room_lights
            type: 'custom:fold-entity-row'
        title: First floor lights
        type: entities

My light group config looks like so:

  - platform: group
    name: Dining room lights
      - light.1st_dining_ceiling
      - light.1st_dining_chandelier
      - light.1st_dining_walkway
  - platform: group
    name: Living room lights
      - light.1st_living_fireplace_ceiling
      - light.1st_living_fireplace_lamp
      - light.1st_living_front_entry
      - light.1st_living_drape_down

I think I’ve found the answer to my problem. If I create a generic group instead of a light group it appears to work exactly as I’d like. So for example:

    name: 'Dining room lights'
      - light.1st_dining_ceiling
      - light.1st_dining_chandelier
      - light.1st_dining_walkway