I have my fireplace connected to HA so I can say, “OK Google, turn on fireplace.”
I added an input_number called “threshold“ so that when my Nest temperature sensor exceeds threshold, the fireplace turns off.
I’d like to be able to say, “OK Google, set threshold to 75” and that changes threshold to 75. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
Is it possible to create a webhook that takes an input? If so, maybe I could use IFTTT to parse the “set threshold to 75” to send just 75 as a parameter/
I’m now convinced that it’s better to use sensors and boolean sensors in automation logic instead of the native field. It was a snap to change from an input number to the generic thermostat just by changing the sensor logic.
This was one of the most helpful hints I’ve come across. Do you know if this works for Alexa as well?
If so, I might ask the developers to extend input_number so that it can be exposed to an external control. Maybe add a new optional property called exposable which if True can allow this control to be exposed to external AI.
What do you think? It would be really helpful for debugging. I have my gas fireplace controlled by a zwave switch and have an automation to turn it off after 10 minutes for safety reasons. I’ve often fallen asleep before HA and woke up to the place at 85 degrees. I changed the timeout to two hours now, because I’m using the generic thermostat in another automation to set a threshold of 75 degrees with Google Assistant so the fireplace shuts off when the nearby Nest thermostat is >= Threshold, My wife likes a lower threshold and she won’t use any HA gui, so all she has to do is say, “ok google, set threshold to 72”
Now I’m thinking of when we use voice to turn on the fireplace is have the nearby google mini say, “the current threshold is 72 degrees. If you want to change it, say a number or ok” and have GA wait for a command.
I can’t believe how “smart” my house is getting, I keep adding stuff because I’m afraid I’ll start adding blind controls.
It should work for any voice assistant that supports thermostats
The problem there is that Google and Amazon have strict requirements for approving official integrations. Home Assistant used to allow what you asked about, and they refused to allow the integration until that was changed.
Hi all.
Is there any update in the intervening years for how to do this. I want to set an input number to a value which has nothing to do with temperature. So whilst I have this working by using a generic thermostat and an automation which keeps my actual input number in sync with it, having to add the word temperature after the entity name and degrees on the end isn’t making sense unfortunately.
My input number use case is in regard to a light array brightness level. I have an input_number set the desired brightness level and an automation that sends the command for the individual light brightness levels until the brightness is synced.
Pretty clever to use a generic thermostat in the meantime though. I was debating using input_select to select pre-defined values for low, medium, and high brightness.