Using HA-Zone node - What is its output?

Hi there, i’m trying to use the node HA-Zone juste before a switch. The switch will outputs accordingly to the payload of the zone node:


The problème is i don’t know the content of the output, so i can’t setup the switch. I’m presuming it’s “enter” and “leave” but it doesn’t work. And nothing appears in the log with the debug node.


Firstly: how can i simulate the triggering of the zone node with HA? I’m trying changing the person state in dev tools, but nothing in node-red debug message.

Secondly: if the first question is not possible to simulate, what is the exact output of the zone node? How can i use it in the switch node, to output the switch differently if it’s a zone entering or a zone leaving?

Thanks for your help.

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In order to test/trigger entry or exit from a zone you will need to simulate a change of your location. You can do this by editing/changing the lat/log attributes of your person. in the Developer Tools -> State

Hint: Just change one digits in latitude or longitude to take you outside of the radius of your zone.

From the debug node attached to the Zone node I was able to see the following:

In short… you are either inside or outside of the zone, as you can see the is no parameter that monitors Enter or Exit. Hope this helps!

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Changing the GPS data is not working, the debug node doesn’t say anything. Nevermind, i won’t spend hours to that, i will use event_sate node for each person.
Thanks for your help.

You can use apps that simulate you moving on the phone.
I have one called mock locations and it works great when debugging zone and proximity automations.

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