Using HADashboard

i think this is a very basic question, so aplogies first and foremost.

I have a couple of old tablets that im planning on using as dedicated ‘Home Controllers’

From what I gather HADashboard is the favoured option for such an instance?
What im unsure about is the installation process…warning incoming idiot question…
Is AppDaemon a completely separate program to HAS? And I install with sudo pip3 install appdaemon

I think what im getting at, is can I run a nice, clean frontend, like HADashboard for dedicated controllers, but also keep the regular frontend for use on PC for example?

Yes, AppDaemon/HADashboard runs independent of HASS, so you can use both frontend interfaces side by side.

Thanks, that’s good to know for definite.

I’m still a little confused on the installation, and a bit apprehensive that I may cock up my install of Home Assistant, and i’m not really wanting to have to re-image my SD card.