Using Home Assistant on a Nintendo Wii!

Hello Home Assistant users!

Yes, you read the title correctly, I got Home Assistant working on a Nintendo Wii!

Well, kind of… Here’s some context before I tell you how I got it working, In 2007 Nintendo released the Internet channel, which is a web browser for the Wii and at the time it was a perfectly usable web browser, but fast-forward to modern times and the Internet channel cannot load anything because the security certificates are just too out of date to be used with any modern website.

And you might be asking “but how does Home Assistant work on it?” The answer is it doesn’t natively work.

Now I’m gonna explain what I mean and how I got it working, The way I got it to work is not by loading Home Assistant directly in the internet channel, but by using the service called Browservice, This is basically a headless web browser that runs on a different computer and streams the content of the webpage as images to an older less capable browser, I have set up browservice on a raspberry pi that is logged into Home Assistant that then streams the content to the internet channel and the Internet channel sends back the mouse position and clicks to the raspberry pi and this creates a functioning website.

The presentation. If you watch the video in the link below, you’ll notice I created a dedicated Home Assistant channel on the Wii complete with animations and images. This might seem simple, but it was one of the hardest parts of this whole process, I had to make custom images and the whole channel basically acts as a desktop shortcut to a website

Here’s a video of it working: Dropbox


This is wild and awesome. Great job! Now all you need is a simple Wii-esque jingle for the channel start page. :slight_smile:

Are you planning on sharing this as a .wad through the homebrew channel?


Thank you!

At the time of recording the video I couldn’t get sound to work on the opening screen so it had to be silent.

If I released the WAD file it wouldn’t work outside of my home because it is set to connect to a specific ip address of the raspberry pi running Browservice.

Sorry if the formatting isn’t clear I’m still new to this forum

Fun project ! GG on being featured on The Open Home newsletter.

If i may ask, what’s the framerate of this methode ? I’m thinking spinner, fade animation, video card…