Using homeassistant.helper within Appdaemon on Docker to get device information

I have Appdaemon running in Docker compose.
I have created a Dockerfile to add a few other python libraries:

FROM acockburn/appdaemon:latest
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install sqlalchemy mysql-connector-python pandas numpy statsmodels dominate matplotlib

I wish to use the homeassistant.helper libraries to enable me to get device information - I can use the APIs to get the entity information as expected. Is there a way to get device information within Appdaemon (I cannot find it in the documentation, only getting state and attributes of entities) - the example I have found at How I can get DeviceEntry by entity_id in python? shows an example but uses the homeassistant helpers - is it possible to add these to Appdaemon, or are they already there and can be accessed in a different way? Thanks