Using Homematic IP-smoke sensor-sirens for alarm purposes through Home Assistant

Hello fellow automators :slight_smile:
since about fours weeks now i’m deep diving into the topic of home automation and so far i’m very happy with the countless possibilities Home Assistant offers and was able to accomplish all the tasks i’m looking for.
Recently i’ve built an additional raspberrymatic-System (for Homematic IP Smoke Sensors) and sucessfully connected it to my Home Assistant instance. I then connected my first Homematic IP Smoke Sensor, which now can be seen in both in the Homematic Interface as well as two devices in Home Assistant (sensor and battery).
The status and connection are all there, but now i would like to use the alarm-function of the smoke sensor itself (which is controllable in Homematic such as for Intruder purposes) in Home Assistant as “notifiy”-configuration, when my water sensor is going off.
The documentation on the homematic ip-integration-site wasn’t able to help me out to understand, how to properly set up the notify-function-declaration, so i wanted to ask, if anyone were able to get this to working?
According to the site, one need to declare the “channels” and a “send command” to properly interact with Homematic-central and the devices, but i don’t know how i can find out all these information from the ccu3?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance and best wishes

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Alright, in the meantime, i was able to accomplish what i needed by myself and wanted to share the solution for all those, who are trying to use the intruder alert siren (with red flashing lights) in the homematic ip-smoke detector for their own purposes.

  1. You will have to install the XML-API in Homematic CCU first
  2. Prereq: The Homematic IP-integration in Home Assistant should already be configured properly before continuing
  3. Find out the id and channel number for your smoke detector in the devices tab in homematic. It should look like a hexadecimal number (id) with a “:” followed by the channel number
  4. Create two scripts in the scripts.yaml-file:

alias: turn intruder siren on
icon: “mdi:alarm-bell”
- service: homematic.set_device_value
address: (eg 80B20CD0123)
channel: (usually 1)

alias: Turn intruder siren off
icon: “mdi:alarm-bell”
- service: homematic.set_device_value
address: (eg 80B20CD0123)
channel: (usually 1)

Now you should be able to invoke the intruder siren (different sound sequence than the smoke alert) with the scripts “notify_sirenalarm_on” and “notify_sirenalarm_off”. Please bear in mind, that the siren will go endless when activated, so the off-script should come in handy to disable it again.

I hope this helps :slight_smile: