You should understand that you’re coming into a 10 year old product and only 2.5 of the years have been shifting towards UI. The other years were 100% yaml. Your demographic was not the target audience. The target audience has been shifting in recent times but…
If you have this notion about everything being in the UI, then maybe HA is not for you right now. Come back in 3 more years, but for now it’s in a transition and this is what we have to work with.
Getting upset when someone gives you an answer is not how you should handle a forum. This is an open source package, no one here is paid to support people. You will not get nice PR friendly responses. You’re going to get straight answers with no fluff.
If you read the FAQ, the first point states that this is not a help desk. There’s a reason this is posted. Because there is no help desk. There is a group of people answering questions. Yes, some of those people are jerks. Yes, some of those people do not know how to respond without sounding condescending. These are things you and other users will have to deal with. Until there is a paid individual supporting the community, don’t expect PR responses. If you feel wronged by a post or it doesn’t meet the code of conduct, simply flag the post and move on.
Even with a UX designer, there are 1900 integrations. When the UI initiative started, there was 900 and the transition to UI has moved maybe ~150 integrations from yaml into the UI in these 2.5 years. Even if the UX designer decides to make major overhaul changes to the UI, I wouldn’t expect integrations to pick them up immediately. Remember, this is open source. So your comments like this:
require someone to want to add what you want in. I can tell you, there is a large group of people who don’t want anything in the UI. These are the people who have been here from day one and those people are the people who know how to code. You’ll have to convince them through feature requests, or try to add it yourself.
Also, comments like that aren’t helpful especially if you don’t know the framework. I’ve never developed for the frontend, so I’m not going to make assumptions on how long it will take. You shouldn’t either.
As for the topic of icons
It’s all lowercase and copy/paste from the website: