I’m using the esp32 hall sensor to count pedal rotations on a stationary bike. To catch the passing pedal, I need to set the update_interval fairly high. But that ends up sending a ton of network traffic unnecessarily when I only need the hall sensor spikes to be noted.
My plan is to ultimately use a template binary sensor to only trigger when the hall_sensor spikes. From what I understand, setting the actual hall sensor to internal: true should keep it from transmitting updates.
Is not the same.
But internal is only that it doesn’t create an entity in HA as far as I know, not sure if that means hide it from the debug window also.
Maybe I’m taking the tx led on the esp32 too literally? Even when I have internal: true set, the tx led still flashes to whatever update_interval I have set.
Reading the provisos on the ESP32 hall sensor I would think that this is probably not a good use case for it anyway. Wouldn’t you be better off using an external sensor and the pulse_counter sensor component?
After monkeying around with the internal sensor for awhile now, I think you are probably right about the external sensor. Probably would be a better signal and more options for positioning.