Using IR to control Wi-fi switches and Plugs

Hi, did a search but did not really find anything that helpful for my situation. What I would like to do is control a number of my Kasa wi-fi light switches and plugs from my Universal remote control in my theater. I would much rather push a button on my remote than talk to alexa and tell her to turn things on and off.
My current remote is a MXHP-R500 and MXHP-R700 connecting to the base station MXHP-H500. I would like to assign a “dummy” IR device as the control for about 15 Kasa switches and plugs. I would be using HA for this and I know I would need an IR RECEIVER for HA but that is about it. I am sure this is a simple set up for most of you power users here but I am new to the HA and still learning.
Any help would be appreciated.

Which HA “IR-Receiver Integration” did you have in mind to use for this ?

Use a Bestcon (ex broadlink) RM4C-mini (€20) as the receiver and the Broadlink remote integration.

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no idea. looking for people that have done something similar and their experiences.

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i looked up the rm4c-mini, but that looks to be an IR BLASTER? are you saying it can also learn codes and be used to do what i am looking to do? Sorry, I am very new to this and still learning…

AFAIK, it can learn codes, but you have to turn it into ‘learning mode’ every time. Otherwise, it is just an IR Blaster.

I have 2 of these, flashed with Tasmota

I think that is a better alternative.

Mmm… Why so?
It costs about €12 in EU, vs. the €20 of a broadlink, and you have to open it solder, flash, to get to the same state (maybe).
Besides an initial connection, the broadlink is pure local as well.

IMHO, this is the kind of situation where DIY/hack is just not worth it, tbh.

Because you point your IR remote at it, press a button, and a MQTT message arrives in HA, ready for use in an automation.

The Broadlink can’t do that, it is primary an IR Blaster. The Broadlink can only receive IR codes to ‘learn’, and you have to put it in learn mode each time. Not the use case the OP has in mind.

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Ah, you don’t have to “train” it? Better indeed, then…

Don’t be me, and when going to Ali, be sure to select the “old” model. The “new” one is useless tuya junk.
That old one is more expensive than a broadlink from Amazon, though…

Here’s a cheaper alternative, but not good looking though.