Using my own domain to forward to Nabu Casa URL


This is going to sound like an incredibly stupid question so I apologize in advance. So, I currently have a HA cloud subscription and I have a remote UI set up at my nabu casa URL. I’m simply trying to forward a subdomain of my Google Domain to the URL of the remote UI. I chose to do this in order to avoid dealing with DDNS and SSL Certificates. This is my current forwarding setup:

However, when I’ve tried to connect, I get a 500 internal server error. I’ve literally tried pretty much every combination of settings of the redirect (at least I think) and still I can’t get it to redirect properly. Any ideas on how to get this to work?

Why would you have to deal with DDNS or certs? Unless I’m missing something, that’s what Nabu Casa does for you.

Why would you have to deal with DDNS or certs? Unless I’m missing something, that’s what Nabu Casa does for you.

Exactly. What I’m saying is that I’m trying to redirect to the nabu casa URL instead of using DDNS with Google Domains and Duck DNS. But I can’t get it to redirect properly.

What exactly is the use case here?

Just simplicity of the url honestly. So that if I need to access HA from a computer that doesn’t necessarily have the Nabu Casa link bookmarked, I can just type in the URL and get to it.

Gotcha. You’ll kinda lose the ‘security through obscurity’ by making the URL easier. Safe to assume you’ve done each step listed here exactly?

Yes, I did; I think I was actually able to fix it, although I have to wait a few hours until the DNS server updates before finding out. I think the problem was that my forward address had a trailing ‘/’. When I would type in the subdomain, I found that that there were two back-slashes (//) at the end of the URL which could be creating issues. One would think google domains would be smart enough not to include the trailing backslash if there was one already in the forward path but we’ll see.

Okay so it looks like it was literally that… The Nabu Casa link has a backslash at the end but Google domains also adds a backslash to the forward URL. So it was forwarding to an address with two backslashes at the end which was causing the internal server error. I just deleted the backslash from the end of the url and it works perfect now!

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Hey @omar416, I wanted to follow up to see how your solution worked out. I currently have a domain that I use a SSL with letsencrypt and it points to my ha, and it’s working fine. I want to eventually sign up for nabucasa. When you go to your own domain and get it forwarded, do you see your domain, or do you see the custom nabucasa link in the browser? I’m not sure if the redirect actually takes you away from your domain.

Have you noticed anything strange with your setup? Thanks!