Hello my dear home assistant community,
I’ve been trying to get my home assistant instance to work with my own domain.
After I discovered that I only have ipv6 available, I decided to run everything on ipv6 instead.
In my configuration file, I added these lines for http:
base_url: xxx.xxx.com
server_host: ::0
use_x_forwarded_for: true
trusted_proxies: ::0
My nginx proxy looks like this:
In the destination I put the same address as I would when trying to access home assistant myself over my local network.
When I use this configuration, restart my entire system and go to my domain, it says 502 BAD GATEWAY. This shows that my domain points to the right ipv6 address.
When I just use my ip to connect to the instance, I get the Congratulations! you’ve succesfully started the nginx proxy manager. When I use the same address and put :8123 behind it, I can also access my home assistant instance, because I forwarded all ports necessary for testing purpose (80,443,8123).
When I edit the destination in the proxy manager to my local ipv4 address, I get a 400: Bad request from home assistant, at least thats what I think.
I really don’t know what I have to do, to get this stuff running. I’ve spent several nights trying anything and googling, but at this point you guys are my last hope.