Using old custom componens with / HACS

Within my last install, which was way back on HA v0.90.2, i used a great custom component that created a binary sensor based on device tracker, this one here
Is there any way to use such an old custom component within HACS /
i have tried to install it as i would have…creating a folder called binary_sensor inside confg/custom_components and then adding a binary_sensor config as instructed in the original linked post. But no joy

Are these older custom components compatible with the newer HA?

Hey. I’m the author of that component. I’m not currently using it and haven’t updated it for some time. It may be incompatible with the newest HA versions. I’ll try to update it if I have time. I’ll also gladly accept PRs in github :smiley:

Ah ok, appreciate the reply.
It’s a little beyond my ability to even attempt to fix it.
I can’t find anything that comes close to it!

Install it and see if it works. You don’t need to use hacs.

Reready OP… clearly say that I installed it, and it gives errors :wink:

Sorry you are right

It should be installed under
