Hi, I have an add-on hosted on a private Github repo. Can I add this repo to HA OS device and install the add-on using that? How do I authenticate with Github in such a case?
I’m not sure I understand your question but this link has details if you are trying to do local testing of your add-on:
Thanks for the reply. I am not looking to test an add-on locally. I have created an add-on for personal use and the code is available on a private Github repository.
I want to add that repository as a Custom Add-on Repositories so that I can use that add-on in my Home Assistant OS installation without making the code public.
I hope this makes sense.
Not possible
Download the .zip, upload to your addons folder, unzip and install as local addon.
I’ll definitely give that a shot… Thanks!
Found the right solution. Add repo in the following format:
@sayam I wondered if you could help me, does this still work for you? I have tried it on my private repo and I just can’t get it to work…
@guybw Yes, it works perfectly.
https://guthubusername:[email protected]/username/reponame.git
My repo does have a package attached to it.
@sayam thanks I’ve tried it but no luck still… would you be able to send me a redacted copy of your hacs file? I’m wondering if I’ve made a mistake as I just get 404 errors.
@guybw This if for adding a Custom Add-on Repo to the add-on store. Not really related to HACS in any way which is used for Custom Integrations, not Add-ons.
Sorry! Totally miss-understood…That would be why Thanks again!