the idea is this. I created text_sensor and number (slider) with 4 states. and when o change slider i want to change text_sensor value between “off” , “low” , “mid”,“high” acording to slider state 0, 1, 2, 3.
Problem is this when i set slider from 0 to 1 it show “off” but it should show “low”.
and than when i set slider to 3 text_sensor will show “low” and so on.
it alvays show previous value not actualy set on slider.
Can any 1 help?
this is my code in esphome
- platform: template
name: "Prędkość wentylatora"
id: Predkosc
update_interval: never
- platform: template
name: "Speed"
id: "speed_controller"
step: 1
min_value: 0
max_value: 3
mode: slider
optimistic: true
lambda: !lambda |-
if (id(speed_controller).state == 0) id(Predkosc).publish_state("Off");
if (id(speed_controller).state == 1) id(Predkosc).publish_state("LOW");
if (id(speed_controller).state == 2) id(Predkosc).publish_state("MID");
if (id(speed_controller).state == 3) id(Predkosc).publish_state("HIGH");