With this configuration the panel shows the values, but, the data is increasing, adding the value to the total, has a result the statitics are wrong, because the total_increasing is doing his job, and adds the value to the total.
if I set the state_class to measurement , the value doesn’t appear in the energy panel, same with total, total + last reset…
Google translate suggests that Consumo watios is watts consumption. I believe that you are trying to use watts (power) as kWh (energy) - “actualpower” and “wattsolar” suggest power!
The energy dashboard reports only energy (kWh), and not power(W).
Solar power produced is measured in watts, and is instantaneous electrical power. Power is a measurement and changes - its value goes up and down. device_class: power, state_class: measurement.
Energy, which is what the energy dashboard wants, is measured in kWh. Energy is the integrated sum of instantaneous power over time. Energy generated, as a value, always increases over time.
For the energy dashboard to see an input sensor it has to be device_class energy (and total_increasing). If not, the dashboard will not see it. The energy dashboard does the job of slicing the energy figure up by day, and reporting only the difference generated / consumed in kWh between midnight and now, each day.
If you want to report solar power, (Watts) then you need to use a power card. There are several community add-on cards available.
If you want to report solar energy generated (kWh), then you need to use a Riemann Sum integration to convert power (W) to energy (kWh).