Does the Configurator add-on NOT support the use of “!secret password_tag”? If I use the below I am unable to log in. I’m only able to login to the add-on when using clear text username and password.
“username”: “!secret config_user”,
“password”: “!secret config_password”,
I don’t think any of the add-on configs use !secret
I do not see in the documents anywhere about it supporting secrets. Which is a shame because many add-ons do.
I would recommend you use the “IDE” add on instead. Not only is it much better than the configurator, but it also supports the use of secrets in the add-on config but it also supports HA-authentication so you can log into the add-on with your existing home-assistant accounts.
The IDE add-on can be found in “Community Hass.io Add-ons” repository that should be added by default.
That’s cool that add-ons are using that. Last time I checked they weren’t.