Using SEN0395 GPIO2 pin and getting false triggering

Howdy, I’m trying to use a SEN0395 as an intruder detection sensor in non-UART mode by just using the GPIO2 pin on the sensor. Documentation indicates that this should be possible. I plan on using it with an ESP-01 since they are tiny and all I need is for the sensor to signal “I see someone” when anyone enters the monitored area. I tested the sensor using an UNO and the code from the DFRobot site to make sure the sensor was functional. The code is based on the UART. Once I knew the sensor was working I reconfigured it by disconnecting UART interface and routed GPIO2 pin to a digital pin on the UNO. The UNO sits there and waits for digital input to go high and when it does it will turn a beeper on and off until the pin goes low. This has worked without issue. The thing starts beeping when I enter the room and continues beeping until I leave and then it shuts off and stays off. There is no false triggering. I haven’t worked out why I can’t get Espressif devices to properly update OTA so in the interim I’m trying to get the sensor to work with a Pi Pico W that DOES update OTA. For some reason the SEN0395 false triggers and spams the log and history with “Home” and “Away” messages (I configured the setup as a presence sensor). Here’s a screenshot of my last test session. I was in view of the sensor the entire time. The long “Home” tail is due to Home Assistant maintaining the last state until it determines the device is no longer available.

Anyone have any experience using the SEN0395 GPIO2 pin and getting it to work with Home Assistant?