In setting up a card for Spotify using the Mini Media Player custom card, I have 2 options to create shortcut buttons:
This variant allows me to play a playlist on whatever device I’m currently listening on:
icon: mdi:beach
name: pool
type: playlist
id: spotify:user:spotifyUser:playlist:4JhuWvKcHLzwtZ
This variant uses Spotcast, and has the extra features I want (shuffling the playlist and setting the starting volume), but requires I specify a device (and will not accept the Spotify device (media_player.spotify_spotifyUser
) that I use in other areas:
icon: mdi:beach
name: pool
type: service
id: spotcast.start
device_name: Library speaker
uri: spotify:playlist:4JhuWvKcHLzwtZ
random_song: true
shuffle: true
start_volume: 20
Is there a way I can achieve both? I would like the features in the Spotcast variant, but without specifying a source device in the first version.
Thank you!