Using the Esphome light brightness as a Home Assistant condition

Hi, I´m trying to create a Home Assistant Automation using as Condition the brightness level of an Esphome light. The Condition should work like this: “if the light.test brightness is below 200 then execute the Automation”. I guess this could be done using the condition type “Numeric state” but I don´t know how to describe the light brightness in the “value template”. Any help is welcome. thanks!

Hey 2000,

have you tried:

Condition Type: Numeric State
Entity: (your light entity)
Above: (empty)
Below: 200
Value template: {{ state_attr('ENTITY ID', 'brightness') }}

Now I don’t know if this would work if you turn the light off, but in that case you can just add another trigger :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much fedot! worked like a charm!

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