Using the new action events in Zigbee2MQTT 2.0

Because the entity view has special magic for event entities.

Change the debug to “complete msg object”.
It will be at:


This was extremely helpful, thank you!

With the _action entity deprecation (I’m aware I can re-enable legacy support) my brain actually misfired for a moment where I thought “I guess device triggers are better?” :rofl: Thankfully I regained my senses.

  - trigger: state
      - event.knob_1_action
      - event.knob_2_action
      - event.knob_3_action
    not_from: unavailable

  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'stop_rotating' }}"
          - variables:
              KNOB: "{{ trigger.entity_id.split('_')[1] }}"
              ANGLE: "{{ states('sensor.knob_' ~ KNOB ~ '_action_rotation_angle') }}"
              COUNT: "{{ (ANGLE / 12)|abs }}"

etc. works a treat again. :+1:

(Aqara H1 Rotary Smart Dimmer … keywords in case someone is searching forum for this.)

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Just finished converting one of my automations, that controls an IKEA E1743 device, from using the now deprecated sensor entity to an event entity. Here a few of my thoughts.

It’s not a significant difference unless you employ wait_for_trigger in which case it becomes a bit more verbose.

For example, here’s a snippet of the original automation that detects single and double presses of the device’s On button. A single press sets the light’s brightness to 128 whereas a double press sets it to 255. The wait_for_trigger uses a State Trigger to detect just one desired button event (to: 'on').

    - choose:
        - conditions: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
            - wait_for_trigger:
                - platform: state
                  entity_id: sensor.office_dimmer_action
                  from: ''
                  to: 'on'
              timeout: 1
            - service: light.turn_on
                brightness: '{{ iif(wait.completed, 255, 128) }}'

The following does the same thing but with an event entity.

    - choose:
        - conditions: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'on' }}"
            - wait_for_trigger:
                - platform: state
                  entity_id: event.office_dimmer_action
                  not_from: 'unavailable'
              timeout: 1
            - action: light.turn_on
                brightness: "{{ 255 if wait.completed and wait.trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'on' else 128 }}"

The brightness template is ever so slightly more verbose because:

  1. You can’t instruct the State Trigger to explicitly monitor the event_type attribute for a state-change to on. The reason is because it’s already on and so it cannot change to on. Therefore the State Trigger will fire for any button press, possibly not another on event as desired. So there’s a need to confirm that second button press was in fact the desired on event.

  2. If the on button is NOT pressed a second time, the wait_for_trigger times out and so wait.completed will be false and, more impactfully, wait.trigger will be none. That means wait.trigger.to_state is undefined so your template cannot refer to wait.trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type without first confirming that wait.completed is true (otherwise there will be an execution error).

Not quite as concise as using sensor.xxxx_action but I can live with it.


you need to be someone what a little bit more specific with this as I upgraded to 2.0 and it broke my opple switches and had to roll back, and before you say anything I am using events already, this is a shot from my mqtt screen after rollback from 2.0

In node-red, I changed from sensor to event, then instead of looking at payload, I changed that to data.new_state.attributes.event_type

Hope that helps

Example images:



Hello, I do apologies in advance if I missed an answer to my question, the topic is very very long :frowning:

In simple answer what should this be changed to in order to update to the MQTT v2.0.0-2

    - platform: state
        - sensor.button01_action
      to: single
      id: Button1_Single_Press

The toggle likely turned off during the update. Verify the setting

Bobby. The thread is long but the original post I did is kept updated with the important info and the code you put is what I clearly warn against in the examples and in my text.
Do not - put to: or attribute: lines in the trigger.

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Thank you @KennethLavrsen , yes, this I have read but I am a bit confused regarding what should I put instead in order to differentiate the “single”, “double” or “long” press on the button?
Would it be for an example “event_type: single”?

    - trigger: state
      entity_id: event.button01_action
      event_type: single
      id: Button1_Single_Press

It’s shown in the first post. If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you start there.

The button event is in trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type.

The posted examples use choose to determine which button event occurred.

What part of my examples are not clear? The handing of the buttons pressed is in the action part of the automation.
To ensure you do not have race conditions (something has changed between trigger and test) you always use the trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type and often in combination with the trigger.to_state.attributes.button

It is different from device to device how it is implemented. But all I have seen is either event_type or both event_type and button attributes. When it is both the typical way is that the button indicates the physical button, and the event_type how it is pressed.

I think the entity described is a bit complicated for me to understand :grimacing:

My automation that works on old MQTT version is something like this:

  alias: "Zigbee Buttons automation"
  description: "Zigbee Buttons automation"
  mode: single
    - platform: state
        - sensor.button01_action
      to: single
      id: Button1_Single_Press
    - platform: state
        - sensor.button02_action
      to: single
      id: Button2_Single_Press
    - platform: state
        - sensor.button03_action
      to: single
      id: Button3_Single_Press
    - choose:
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button1_Single_Press
            - type: toggle
              device_id: 358987feee661a8a1409e8254a0ded34
              entity_id: e861e434dfeee4122a1587009577409a
              domain: switch
            - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
              metadata: {}
                message: Open Gate by Button 1
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button2_Single_Press
            - type: toggle
              device_id: 358987feee661a8a1409e8254a0ded34
              entity_id: e861e434dfeee4122a1587009577409a
              domain: switch
            - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
              metadata: {}
                message: Open Gate by Button 2
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button3_Single_Press
            - type: toggle
              device_id: 358987feee661a8a1409e8254a0ded34
              entity_id: e861e434dfeee4122a1587009577409a
              domain: switch
            - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
              metadata: {}
                message: Open Gate by Button 3
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button1_Double_Press
            - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
              metadata: {}
              data: {}
                entity_id: alarm_control_panel.outside_alarm
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button2_Double_Press
            - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
              metadata: {}
              data: {}
                entity_id: alarm_control_panel.outside_alarm
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button3_Double_Press
            - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
              metadata: {}
              data: {}
                entity_id: alarm_control_panel.outside_alarm
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button1_Long_Press
            - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
                  - alarm_control_panel.outside_alarm
              data: {}
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button2_Long_Press
            - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
                  - alarm_control_panel.outside_alarm
              data: {}
        - conditions:
            - condition: trigger
                - Button3_Long_Press
            - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
                  - alarm_control_panel.outside_alarm
              data: {}

I am failing to understand how to wrap this up into the new model :frowning_face: :flushed:

If yaml is not you “thing” best to look for a blueprint for your remote.

Did you create that automation?

If you didn’t, ask the person who did. They’re probably facing the same situation and are converting it.

If you did, then you need to study the many posted examples. All of the required information is already posted in this topic.

it actually is :slight_smile:
I did all my automations via YAML and keyboard…I don’t like using the blueprints or ha automation wizards, hence I type all of it.

In the automation I noted, the only thing I extracted from HA is the device_id and entity_id…

Yes, I created it…
Ok, thank you :slight_smile:…I’ll figure it out :+1:

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Oh… how broken that is…

I have Tuya ERS-10TZBVK-AA control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

It sends simple payloads like:
payload '{"action":"brightness_step_up","action_rate":null,"action_step_size":97,"action_transition_time":0.03,"battery":94,"last_seen":"2025-01-07T17:58:41+01:00","linkquality":76,"operation_mode":"command","voltage":2900}'
Please note action and action_step_size.

In 1.x I could just trigger with action = brightness_step_up and get action_step_size from trigger.to_state.action_step_size in yaml.

Now getting to react for this with Z2M 2.0 is impossible, as I can get either (xor):

  1. with legacy on, I can trigger *_action that can give me all info except for action_step_size:
    trigger.to_state = <state event.przelacznik_sciemniacz_czarny_1_action=2025-01-07T17:03:04.917+00:00; event_types=['toggle', 'brightness_step', 'color_temperature_step_up', 'color_temperature_step_down', 'saturation_move', 'hue_move', 'hue_stop', 'single', 'double', 'hold', 'rotate_left', 'rotate_right'], event_type=brightness_step, direction=up, icon=mdi:gesture-double-tap, friendly_name=przelacznik-sciemniacz-czarny-1 Action @ 2025-01-07T18:03:04.917984+01:00>}

  2. use new, great *action_step_size trigger, that gives me the action_step_size, but does not say if this is up or down.

'to_state': <state sensor.przelacznik_sciemniacz_czarny_1_action_step_size=97; friendly_name=przelacznik-sciemniacz-czarny-1 Action step size @ 2025-01-07T18:13:34.792019+01:00>}

I’d appreciate if someone could enlighten me on how to use this “improved” way.

For now I’m reverting to pre-2.0 as it:

  • brought me more bad than good,
  • has edge cases where I just don’t know how to get data,
  • bring unnecessary complications with breaking changes.

It may be a controversial oppinion but I generally do not these like blueprints that tries to do everything. Only the author understands what it is doing and it is super difficult to modify it unless you are really good at yaml and jinja. It keeps people stupid.

Bobby. It is easy to fix your automation. First step is to just accept that your trigger will only have one thing it triggers for with no to values and no trigger IDs.

The next two steps are.

  1. Find out what your event entity is. It is called event.name_of_device_action

  2. Go to developer tools → States and find your event entity. Look at the attributes in the right column. You should see event_types listing all the values that event_type can have. Also look for an optional button attribute. There is no list of buttons but if you press your remote buttons one by one you see the names.

Now you have the information you need. All you need now is to update your old automation with the super simple trigger exactly like my examples except for the event entity name.

And in your actions in the choose conditions you replace your conditions by the template conditions adjusting the values with the ones you found in step 2. And Bob’s your uncle.

I converted my triggers to use MQTT and it works fine and is simple. But maybe I’m missing something when I’m using this instead of this complicated action events way?

  - trigger: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/TuYa button/action
    payload: single
    id: single
  - trigger: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/TuYa button/action
    payload: double
    id: double
  - trigger: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/TuYa button/action
    payload: hold
    id: hold

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