I got my first Zigbee motion sensor to turn on a light switch and it works fine except for when I add a condition to qualify the action with it being between sunset and sunrise as a proxy for being dark.
What have I got wrong in the “condition: sun” portion in the code below?
- id: '1636250203748'
alias: Turn study lights on when motion is detected and it is dark
description: ''
- type: motion
platform: device
device_id: cc71456d3dd69dd86e60dc67ba8351d7
entity_id: binary_sensor.ikea_motion_sensor_1_occupancy
domain: binary_sensor
- condition: sun
before: sunrise
after: sunset
- type: turn_on
device_id: 60704822069c11eb91f509337561fe4a
entity_id: switch.treatlife4_toggle2
domain: switch
mode: single
Conditions are “and” by default so unless you put the “or” statement then both conditions have to be true to pass.
So when you factor home assistant works from midnight to midnight then your original condition is basically saying the time has to be between sunset and midnight AND midnight and sunrise and obviously any given time can’t be both.
That’s why adding “or” will work but as suggested by others, using “below_horizon” is basically exactly the same statement but easier to understand.
Without the notion described by @rossk of midnight as the datum, I thought before sunrise AND after sunset meant when the sun was below the horizon. And it even explains @123’s first example which had me scratching my head.
And great point, @Tinkerer, about being syntactically correct but not meeting logical intent