Using trigger.entity_id to get entity_id of an event click on a light

ive been grinding my gears trying to figure-out how to get a entity_id from an event-click for one of my automations; I’ve come-up short everytime trying every possible permutation i can think of trying to get this to work. goal is to create a reusable dimming automation for all my lights. please tell me this is possible

alias: New Automation
description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: click
        - light.stairs_spot_lights
        - light.bar_spot_lights
        - light.den_spot_lights
        - light.dining_room_spot_lights
        - light.front_bedroom_chandalier
        - light.front_foyer_chandelier
        - light.front_foyer_spot_lights
        - light.guest_room_chandalier
        - light.kitchen_island_pendants
        - light.kitchen_spot_lights
        - light.living_room_chandelier
        - light.living_room_spot_lights
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: '{{ }}'
      brightness_step_pct: '{{ 25 |float }}'
mode: single
max: 10

log errors:

Error while executing automation automation.new_automation: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'trigger' is undefined

That error message suggests you’re trying to fire that automation’s action manually via the automation.trigger service (or the execute button in the UI), thus there is no trigger object for the template to resolve.

I’ve tested only with connected Lutron light so far.

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: automation.trigger
    entity_id: automation.new_automation
entity: light.stairs_spot_lights

log error from light

Error while executing automation automation.new_automation: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'trigger' is undefined

Yeah, exactly as I said, you’re using the automation.trigger service to fire the action of the automation.

Your automation isn’t being triggered, so the trigger object doesn’t exist.

You need the event to trigger the automation.

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I’m clueless how to activate the automation - i took out the tap-action call service auto-trigger(using the click to activate the automation)
all it does is turn the light on, it should increment the brightness%

Why do you need an automation for this at all? Why not just call the service from the button itself?

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.stairs_spot_lights
    brightness_step_pct: 20
entity: light.stairs_spot_lights


ha-floorplan entities inherit the tap-action so its not possible to create unique tap-action entity_id

type: 'custom:floorplan-card'
title: Light
  image: /local/images/floorplan/drawing.svg
  stylesheet: /local/images/floorplan/images.css
      action: hover-info
      action: more-info
    - entities:
        - light.den_spot_lights
        - light.bar_spot_lights
        - light.dining_room_spot_lights
        - light.front_bedroom_chandalier
        - light.front_foyer_chandelier
        - light.front_foyer_spot_lights
        - light.kitchen_island_pendants
        - light.kitchen_spot_lights
        - light.living_room_chandelier
        - light.living_room_spot_lights
        - light.master_bedroom_chandalier
        - light.master_bedroom_spot_lights
        - light.stairs_spot_lights
        - action: call-service
          service: automation.trigger
            entity_id: automation.light_increment2
        - action: toggle
        - action: call-service
          service: floorplan.style_set
          service_data: |
            fill: ${ entity.state === "on" ? "#F9D27C" : "#7CB1F9" };
            transition: ${ entity.state === "off" ? "fill 5s ease" : "" };

OK. I’ve tried to explain where you’re going wrong regarding using the automation.trigger service. I’ve also explained how to do this directly with supported lovelace components. I can’t really help you any further :man_shrugging:

that’s fine thank’s for your help