This Is about Joining the Dots to Show how I used my TV remote to turn My Lights ON/OFF
love the wemos and Tasmota
so find this
these are the input outputs
after uploading tasmota on to the wemos
I setup the the wemos
on the remote
just doing the colors
I press the BLUE one
I see this in the console
then a made rule1
rule1 on IrReceived#Data=100CECF do publish IR/CODES BLUE endon
rule1 1 turn it on
it work bugger
so press each color buttom on remote got the codes
and build rule1 up
on IrReceived#Data=100CECF do publish IR/CODES BLUE endon
on IrReceived#Data=1004E4F do publish IR/CODES YELLOW endon
on IrReceived#Data=1000E0F do publish IR/CODES RED endon
on IrReceived#Data=1008E8F do publish IR/CODES GREEN endon
get me thinking
can I MQTT the other data
wrote rule2
on IrReceived#Data do publish IR/REMOTE %value% endon
on IrReceived#Protocol do publish IR/Protocol %value% endon
on IrReceived#Bits do publish IR/Bits %value% endon
rule2 1 turn it on
NOW do more reading and work out how Irsend works
now get it into HA in the senor file i added
- platform: mqtt
name: "IR codes"
state_topic: "IR/CODES"
qos: 1
- platform: mqtt
name: "IR Remote"
state_topic: "IR/REMOTE"
qos: 1
- platform: mqtt
name: "IR Protocol"
state_topic: "IR/Protocol"
qos: 1
- platform: mqtt
name: "IR Bits"
state_topic: "IR/Bits"
qos: 1
NOW the fan bit the automations
- id: 'BLUE IR'
alias: BLUE IR
- entity_id: sensor.ir_codes
platform: state
to: 'BLUE'
condition: []
- data:
entity_id: light.hallway
service: light.toggle
- data:
payload: "IR-BLUE"
topic: "IR/CODES"
service: mqtt.publish
as I want the Light to toggle with press the same blue botton on the remoto
had to send a differance payload to the IR/CODES was “IR-BLUE”
other wise the toggle would not work.
and all four color on the remote to differance light in the house.
remember YOU have to point the remote to the IR Controller Shield to turn the lights ON/OFF not the lights ok how did i work that out