In short I just want this one floodlight to turn on when this one camera detects a person. Any help? Ideally it would also turn off after a set amount of seconds.
I can’t use the built in motion detection features because this isn’t a motion detection, it’s a human detection.
It would be more helpful to see the actual YAML rather than a screenshot of the GUI. I can’t remember off hand exactly what sensors the UniFi cameras expose, so it also might be helpful to list those (in that case, a screenshot of the device page with all the entities would probably be enough).
The one labeled Person detected is the one you want to use. That will only be ON if an actual person is detected. If that isn’t changing to ON when a person is in the camera’s field of view, then there is something off with your setup.
One other request. Please format your YAML correctly so it’s more readable.