Hi Community,
I have the following template number which I want to execute a rest command on change:
- unique_id: apsystems_ez1_max_power
name: apsystems_ez1_max_power
icon: mdi:lightning-bolt-circle
availability: |-
is_state('sensor.apsystems_ez1_state', 'OK')
and is_number(state_attr('sensor.apsystems_ez1_state', 'currentMaxPower'))
and is_number(state_attr('sensor.apsystems_ez1_state', 'minPower'))
and is_number(state_attr('sensor.apsystems_ez1_state', 'maxPower'))
state: "{{- state_attr('sensor.apsystems_ez1_state', 'currentMaxPower') | int -}}"
- service: rest_command.apsystems_setmaxpower
power: "{{- this.state -}}"
- service: homeassistant.update_entity
entity_id: sensor.apsystems_getMaxPower
step: 1
min: "{{- state_attr('sensor.apsystems_ez1_state', 'minPower') | int -}}"
max: "{{- state_attr('sensor.apsystems_ez1_state', 'maxPower') | int -}}"
Problem is that this.state does not contain the new state set by a user, it contains the current state of the number . Is there another variable that my contain the state set be the user?