Using zigbee and z-wave an Raspberry Pi

Is it possible to have both the Raspbee Zigbee module and Razberry z-wave module on the same Raspberry Pi? I do not want to use dongles.

No, because they require the same pins.

Why no dongles? Husbzb1 would be a perfect solution, albeit in dongle form factor. I actually like dongles because I can easily place the antenna in an optimal spot.

I realise they need the same pins, I was hoping someone had a work-around.

The traditional work arounds are:

  1. Use a USB stick (USB sticks can also be moved to other hardware easily, should you upgrade in the future)
  2. Run one on another Pi

Tinkerer mentioned a big plus… ability to transfer the stick to a new system. Say later on you decide you want to move from pi to nuc. If using hats, you’ll have to rebind all of your sensors from scratch, vs just plugging in the old stick and running with existing device bindings. This can save/cost a ton of time if you ever change platforms.