USPS Sensor Name

I have configured the USPS sensor and it appears to be working fine. My question is probably really simple but wasn’t able to find an answer.

The sensor it creates uses my house address as the sensor entity ID. So now when I want to add it to certain views and groups I would have to use sensor.myaddress which is not something I want to do.

I know I can use a template to create a different sensor and whatnot; but I would rather keep things as simple as possible. Is there a way to tell HA to use a specific entity ID? Or is a template the only way to do this?

Use the customize function to give it a new friendly name.

Friendly name is easy.

I just finally went through the process of scrubbing sensitive data from my config using secrets so that I can maintain and manage with github. But now if I use that entity ID anywhere in my configs I am now posting my address. I would rather the sensor itself be called something like sensor.myusps or something relatively generic. I am guessing templatizing the sensor might be my only option.

Or is it possible to use a !secret entry to add a sensor to a view?

Hi, this is a problem, I agree. You could do some trickery with a template sensor, where the template value is in a !secret. I plan to submit a PR that will allow you to set a name or something similar.

Great to hear!

But in the meantime, if anyone else is running into this, using !secret entries does work. It’s not perfect, but it keeps your address off your configs for the time being.

PR in to add name config option: