Utcnow() reports utc() time! (and utc is one our in advance)

hi, guys!

my automations are runinng one hour earlyer and my logbook reports everything one hour in the future…

for example, if i schedule a switch to be turned on at 9:00, it turns on at 8:00 and in logbook shows turned on at 10!

i am in Spain (Madrid) and right now my BIOS time is 9.25 and now(), utcnow() and now().tzinfo reports this…

2022-12-22 10:25:00.362246+01:00 ← this one is one our in advance of my local time
2022-12-22 09:25:00.362319+00:00 ← this one must be my local time

my logbook reports everything one our in advance (says things like “10:20:48 AM - In 24 minutes”)…

I put a Digital Clock Card in Overview and it displays the right local time…

if i set time in BIOS one our earlyer (8:34), everything gets messed up (strange thing its that Digital Clock Card keeps displaying the local time with no change)

2022-12-22 10:06:00.455650+01:00
2022-12-22 09:06:00.455715+00:00

logbook reports the same variations as above…

But Digital Clock Card keeps working fine…!!!

when booting up, this error jumps up (with o without the right time set in BIOS)…

since im new to HA, i dont know what else to do…

thanks in advance…!!!
