Utility Meter how do I set actual Tariff rates outside of Energy Dashboard?

So having spent now weeks trying to figure this out I’m still stumped. I have set up all the usual things as per instructions with Time Helper, Utility Meter and Automation. And now have a situation that switches and produces two outputs states or peak and offpeak at the right times. I then added the Utility Meter to the Energy Dashboard and it asked for the unit price for peak and off peak. So far so good.

BUT I now want to add the same Utility Meter outside the Energy Dashboard. When I do this I’m not asked for the unit rate.

So how do you get the unit rates for any tariff into the utility meter helper outside of the Energy Dashboard (in my case 7p and 28p)

In my case I want a Utility Meter for my car charging just to understand what its costing to charge the car. Thought this would be simple. Its not.

Outside the Energy dashboard you have to create template sensors that multiply your known rates (7p and 28p) by your two utility meter sensors.

It makes so much sense when you say this feel very DOH.

Now I will need to figure out how to list those side by side


Something like this:

  - sensor:
      - name: "Offpeak Cost Today"
        unique_id: 9543a4d3-43d7-4111-93b6-b8320d737a31
        icon: "mdi:currency-usd"
        unit_of_measurement: "$"
        state_class: 'measurement'
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.energy_from_grid_daily_offpeak')|float * states('input_number.t93_offpeak_energy_cost')|float )|round(2) }}"
        availability: "{{ has_value('sensor.energy_from_grid_daily_offpeak') and has_value('input_number.t93_offpeak_energy_cost') }}"

      - name: "Peak Cost Today"
        unique_id: afcb75e3-149e-412a-99ec-8091d750c98e
        icon: "mdi:currency-usd"
        unit_of_measurement: "$"
        state_class: 'measurement'
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.energy_from_grid_daily_peak')|float * states('input_number.t93_peak_energy_cost')|float )|round(2) }}"
        availability: "{{ has_value('sensor.energy_from_grid_daily_peak') and has_value('input_number.t93_peak_energy_cost') }}"

I’m using input numbers to store the tariff costs as they change every year or so and this makes it easy to do from a dashboard rather than having to edit the templates.

You can do all that in the UI under the Helpers menu.