Utility Meter not adding correctly

I’ve been using the UtilityMeter functionality to track KWH used on my Peak and OffPeak Tariffs for over 1 year now.

Over the last week I have noticed a big jump in the KWH reported on the Energy Dashboard (Which uses the sensors provided by the UtilityMeter integration: sensor.daily_energy_offpeak & sensor.daily_energy_peak).

    source: sensor.victron_acin1_kwh
    name: Octopus Energy
    cycle: daily
      - peak
      - offpeak

When comparing the Statistics of the UtilityMeter (sensor.daily_energy_offpeak) and the sensor which the UtilityMeter pulls the data from (sensor.victron_acin1_kwh) I can see a difference in what is reported.

00:30 0.36 kWh
00:35 0.36 kWh
00:40 0.36 kWh
00:45 0.36 kWh
00:50 0.36 kWh
00:55 0.38 kWh
01:00 0.36 kWh
01:05 0.36 kWh
01:10 0.36 kWh
01:15 0.38 kWh
01:20 0.35 kWh

00:30 0.82 kWh
00:35 1.58 kWh
00:40 2.31 kWh
00:45 3.04 kWh
00:50 3.77 kWh
00:55 2.51 kWh
01:00 2.88 kWh
01:05 0.36 kWh
01:10 0.36 kWh
01:15 0.38 kWh
01:20 0.35 kWh

Does anyone have and idea how I can debug this and workout why the statistics are not being added correctly?

many thanks in advance