Utility meter, split in heat and cold energy usage with seasons

My (none smart) airco is connected to a power plug to measure the consumption of energy.
It only has one energy sensor:


If I make 2 extra sensors, for example:


Is it possible to make it that the heating sensor only counts when the season is spring or summer, or specific months?

Easiest is to use the tariff function of the utility meter. You can set values for tariff types, and utility meter then splits it in separate counters per tariff. In your case, tariffs would be heating and cooling. The. create an automation to set which tariff is active at a certain moment.

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Thanks! I did not know about the tariff function.
But if I understand it correct than this does not create 2 separate sensors?
I would like to show them in my lovelace and create a yearly and last_year sensor of both heating and cooling. Or can I choose what tariff from the sensor is shown in the lovelace and show both tariffs with one sensor?

It does create extra sensors, one for each tariff.

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I made it like this:

Utility Meter >

  name: "Aircos MaxiCool - Eternal Energy (kWh)"
  unique_id: "sensor_aircos_maxicool_eternal_energy_kwh"
  source: sensor.smart_plug_aircos_maxicool_electric_consumption_kwh
    - heating
    - cooling
  always_available: true

Automation >

id: "automation_energy_aircos_maxicool_select_tariff"
alias: "Energy - Aircos MaxiCool Select Tariff"
description: "Selecteer het juiste energie tariff (Cooling of Heating) op basis van de astrologische seizoenen om de energie meter te splitsen in verbruik van verwarmen of verkoelen"

mode: single

  - trigger: homeassistant
    event: start
    id: homeassistant_start

  - trigger: event
    event_type: automation_reloaded
    id: automation_reload

  - trigger: state
      - sensor.season_astronomical
    from: null
    to: spring
      tariff: cooling
  - trigger: state
      - sensor.season_astronomical
    from: null
    to: autumn
      tariff: heating
conditions: []

  - action: select.select_option
    metadata: {}
      option: "{{ tariff }}"
      entity_id: sensor.aircos_maxicool_eternal_energy_kwh

Utility Meter >

  name: "Aircos MaxiCool Cooling - Yearly Energy (kWh)"
  unique_id: "sensor_aircos_maxicool_cooling_yearly_energy_kwh"
  source: sensor.aircos_maxicool_eternal_energy_kwh_cooling
  cycle: yearly
  always_available: true

  name: "Aircos MaxiCool Heating - Yearly Energy (kWh)"
  unique_id: "sensor_aircos_maxicool_heating_yearly_energy_kwh"
  source: sensor.aircos_maxicool_eternal_energy_kwh_heating
  cycle: yearly
  always_available: true

Template >

  - name: "Aircos MaxiCool Heating - Last Year Energy (kWh)"
    unique_id: "sensor_aircos_maxicool_heating_last_year_energy_kwh"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total
    icon: "mdi:lightning-bolt"
    state: >
      {{ ( state_attr('sensor.aircos_maxicool_heating_yearly_energy_kwh','last_period')|float ) }}
    availability: "{{ state_attr('sensor.aircos_maxicool_heating_yearly_energy_kwh','last_period') | is_number }}"

  - name: "Aircos MaxiCool Cooling - Last Year Energy (kWh)"
    unique_id: "sensor_aircos_maxicool_cooling_last_year_energy_kwh"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total
    icon: "mdi:lightning-bolt"
    state: >
      {{ ( state_attr('sensor.aircos_maxicool_cooling_yearly_energy_kwh','last_period')|float ) }}
    availability: "{{ state_attr('sensor.aircos_maxicool_cooling_yearly_energy_kwh','last_period') | is_number }}"