Utility meter stop showing

Hi, I added a utility meter for reading electricity yesterday, it was pretty logical for a while, but today there are some stupid values, it seems to have stuck sometime at night.
Can you give advice?


    source: sensor.celkova_spotreba_1
    cycle: hourly
    source: sensor.celkova_spotreba_1
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.celkova_spotreba_1
    cycle: weekly
    source: sensor.celkova_spotreba_1
    cycle: monthly


Utility meter

Any idea, why it do that?

Check out the sensor provided data if it is logical. My ZWave energy sensor sometimes sends an illogical number and all utility values start giving out stupid values.
Example Sensor send values:

  • 1171
  • 1174
  • 1178
  • 1023
  • 1185
  • 1190

That 1023 in between makes utility meter go down or up instantly in an absurd way. i created a template sensor from utility meter and subtract or add that illogical difference value whenever that happens. Last month i had that twice…

EDIT: Btw your den and hodina values support each other logically, so nothing wrong there. I suggest you try only daily sensor without configuring the others and check it there…

Hello, i trying now only with day, but still doesnt work. Utility meter show me 4kWh today, but electricity meter show over 15kWh. There is no data inconsistency, showing lower numbers, only growth. Whole day works without restart.
