Utitility Meter for monthly Energy Consumption

im using a tasmota device which reads my energy counter in the basement.

So i have the following configuraiton:

Tasmota Device Entity, named “sensor.tasmota_zaehlerstand”

Therefore i created a Template Sensor to convert the Data to an float value, named “sensor.tasmotazaehlerstandfloat”

Stateclass is “summarized increasing”.

Now i want to have a sensor which shows me the currently monthly energy consumption. This sensor should also reset to 0 every end of the month.

So i created a utility meter Helper for this, named “sensor.stromzaehleraktuellermonatsverbrauch”:

I just used the default values and set reset cycle to monthly. 1.) questions: When is the reset done? Exactly at end of every month, 23:59? Also for february?

2.) Question:

As you can See, the utility meter is showing wrong data. Why is this happening?
I will use the Utitlity Meter to send me an monthly Energy Report with additional stats via E-Mail.

Hope someone as a clue!

Thank you and best regards!

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I fixed it myself reading [Utility Meter] Daily sensors are not calculated correctly - #9 by Yagyu

Problem is, that Tasmota Energy Counter is sometimes reading a lower value by read-error as you can see here:

So i had to check the “Net Counter” Option while creating the Utitliy Meter:

Right now it looks like the counting is correct.

So only my first question is still open:

1.) questions: When is the reset done? Exactly at end of every month, 23:59? Also for february?

If the reset is done at 23:59 starting the automation on the 1st Day in the month at 00:00 the counters are resettet, so i need to start it at 23:59. It is just good to know when exactly the reset is done. thanks!